This is when the lyrics of the music isn't instantly obvious to the audience in terms of understanding and the video encourages the viewers to think about what lyrics of the music video means. It involves what does it have in the music video which contributes to the lyrics of the song. This aspect makes the music video more engaging to the audience.
Extending or consolidating song's meaning
A music video can contain something within the video which further extends or consolidates the songs meaning, this can be through the music video telling a story in representation of the song or it can be through the video simply just containing characters or items within the it to refer to the songs meaning. This is way of helping the audience understand the theme of the song.
Focus on performer
This is when the music video aims to keep the main focus on what the artist is doing throughout the video. This can be because the idea of video is to make it clear to the audience of the various talents that the artist is active or it could be to show the mannerisms and expressions of the performer. For example, the camera could be focusing on the performer because they are active in a band performing live and playing numerous instrumental. This will mean the viewers will get a better understanding of the artist themselves.
Lighting for mood
The lighting in the video can be used to represent different moods. For example, dark and cool lighting may be used to represent a sad mood and a bright and warm lighting may be used to show a happy or exciting mood. This can play a big part in terms of emotional response for the audience.
This convention means referring to other things. This is another way of referring to a parody or a pastiche/homige, which means mocking or intentionally creating a comic affect of different media content. Allusion gives the affect of humorousness towards the audience and is usually targeted at a younger audience.
Examples of music videos using techniques
Special effects
Kanye West - touch the sky ft Lupe Fiasco
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Cutting to a beat
R Kelly - Same Girl
Caravan Palace - Lone Digger
Reference to or includes another artist
Eminem - Without me
Illustrative - this is a style that involves using the lyrics of the song as a basis for the visuals implemented into music video. this means that the lyrics and the visuals have a strong connection between them. An example of this being used an existing music video is for Krept and Konan's My Story that telling a story and the drama in the visual helps to reflect it.
Interpretative - this involves the audience having to think deeper in terms of the song meaning this is determined more from the scenes of the music video and not literally from the lyrics. The bond between the lyrics and the visuals may not be instantly obvious to the audience. An example of a interpretative style is used within the music video of Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice. This Artist creates continuous speculation throughout the video and has the audience confused from the bond between the visuals and the lyrics.
Surrealist - is a style put in to place to break the boundaries and brings out the creativity and wild imagination into the video between fantasy, dreams and reality all implemented into one element. This means using peculiar imagery and creating dream-like quality to be build a memorable effect upon the audience. The music video of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance is a good example of a surrealist style; she uses various surrealist imagery through costumes and the setting to create a memorable picture in the viewers mind of the video.
Pastiche/homage - involves one media text implementing incentives that refers to another media text as a tribute or in an affectionate way. the term, intertextuality, is used when one media text refers to another. An example of a Pastiche is Christina Aguilera's 'Lady Marmalade' which is a tribute to Moulin Rouge.
My styles, conventions and techniques presentation
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